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♥ When I Close My Eyes, I See All My Friends ♥

♥ Me, Myself and I

:: Charm Kdir ::
:: Muar-Shah Alam-Muar ::
:: Pieces ::
:: Chubby : Friendly ::
:: Talkative : Stubborn ::
:: Sensitive : Loving : Caring ::
:: Workaholic : Clumsy ::

:: Love :
* Music : Shopping : Singing *
* Sleeping : Gossip : SMS *
* Horror Movie : Novel : Polka Dot *
* Elizabeth Town : Orlando Bloom : Kirsten Dunst *
* My Lovely Family : Muarian Friends : Clan 58-208 *
* Adam Arfhan : WeeNaCha : Best Friends *
* Guess : Bobby Brown : Dior *
* French Words : Paris : Ireland *
* Purple : Black : Green *
* Ice-Cream: Chocolate : Spaghetti Bolognise *
* Amy Winehouse : Lily Allen : Christina Aquilera *

:: Hate:
* Hipokrit: Plastic : Liar *
* Assignment : Presentation : Class (which is start at 8AM!!) *
* Pak Guard UiTM : L.O.V.E's Person : Kidnapper *

:: About Me ::
* Never to walked in anyone shadow
If i failed, if i succeed!!
At least i live as i believe!
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away MY DIGNITY
*i be wutever i wanna be*
*i do wutever i wanna do*
*i Be it and i Do it!!*
Just because i choose to
So, wut?? i can be ur Bestest Fren EVER!!
Or ur Worst NIteMare!!
*So choose.. :) *

♥ Link To My Friends

:: Myra ::
:: Ezzeline ::
:: Oshin ::
:: B ::
:: Daws ::
:: Aizat ::
:: HusnaSona ::
:: Fatinto ::
:: Salmi ::
:: Iela ::
:: Friendster ::

♥ I Want To Meet

*All My Lovely Friends*

* I LOVE Adam Arfhan So Much *

♥ HuLa Gallery

♥ Gossip Box


♥ Favorite Songs

* I Promise- Stacie Orrico *

Will I always be there for you
When you need someone
Will I be that one you need
Will I do all my best to
To protect you
When the tears get near your eyes
Will I be the one that's by your side

Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will i keep the rain from fallin down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise I will

Will I take tender care of you
Take your darkest night
And make it bright for you
Will I be there to make you strong
And to lean on
When this world has turned so cold
Will I be the one that's there to hold

Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will I keep the rain from falling down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise, I promise
I promise I will, yeah

And I love you more every day
And nothing will take that love away
When you need someone
I'll promise I'll be there for you
There for you

Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night
Will I keep the rain from falling down into your life
I promise, I promise
I promise I will, yeah

*Back To Black- Amy Winehouse*

He left no time to regret
Kept his dick wet
With his same old safe bet
Me and my head high
And my tears dry
Get on without my guy
You went back to what you knew
So far removed from all that we went through
And I tread a troubled track
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black

We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to.....

I go back to us

I love you much
It's not enough
You love blow and I love puff
And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside

We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black,
I go back to
I go back to

We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to

We only said good-bye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to black

cbox <

Friday, September 28, 2007


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

11:56 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mes Amis Charmants

As I mentioned before, I’ve lots of friends.. even they do not know me better, but they are also my friends,hehehe….yelah kan ada orang selalu ckp, berkawan biar seribu, berkasih biar satu,huhu!!..

This is, Chi Damdam.. she’s adam’s auntie.. kecoh die ni, kalo berckp mesti susah nak berhenti,hehehe… she’s look like Ashley Tisdale, isn’t it?? Alah, yg belakon High School Musical tu,..Tak macam pon??..ye la, tak caye, gi try masuk kat my heritage website, pastu letak picture die, confirm nnti kat website tu ckp muke die mcm Ashley Tisdale,heheh.. she’s my senior from advertising, I got to know her from Dani..sbb mase kat Ads Dinner tu, die pakai baju Polka Dot yg cantik, i kan suke polka dot,n then nak tahu lah sape die ni, n terus je jadik kawan,hihi..

Now, she’s working at Hot. Fm.. not a D.J, but.. tak tau la die keje sebagai ape kat sane,hihi..if you’ll guys nak tau, i suke and giler habis kat anak buah die adam, comel tau!!.. teringin sgt nak jumpe die, tapi die tak dok kat cini, die dok kat Ireland.. die pernah balik sini sekali jek, tp malang sekali sbb tak sempat jumpe die, sedih sgt..huhu..tp chi ckp, adam dah besar skit, n chi selalu jek cite pasal adam, sbb tu lah i suke giler kat budak kecik yg comel mcm adam ni,hihi..May be raye tahun ni Adam balik kat sini, hope dpt lah jumpe die,hehehe….

Hurm, Rite, this is my sweet friend, Weena a.k.a Chachandramuki..haha!! I called her chacha, because she’s too thin like CHAcing..huhu.. She’s the girl who give and always called me Bubu.. you know what the hell it’s mean? It’s a combination name actually, between BUlat and BUntal..!! and when it’s come a cross together, it become BUBU lah, ape lagi.. Evil..!! hehehe.. she’s a green lover, cats lover, willy lover (her bf), and my lover friend..hehehe..

She’s a funny and always blur.. selalu lupe jalan, nak-nak time nak gi rumah I, mesti salah parking kereta punye, gi stop kat blok orang lain, dah ajor byk kali dah, tapi tetap tak ingat, aje pelik ek??hehehe.. for what ever it is, she’s my pretty good friend too.. even kiteorang ni baru jek rapat, tapi mcm dah lame sgt2 kenal die nie, yelah, sbb die ni baik sgt.serius.. selain Dani, die nip on slalu jadi tempat rujukan I for mengadu nasib, I selalu jek cite problems kat die.. lagi satu, die ni Doctor Love tau, huhu.. tak caye, gi la berubat kat die.. :P.. frankly to say, saya sayang die tau!!..


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

6:18 AM



Today im gonna stories about my classmate. It has 14 persons in my class including me la.. they are, myra, wahi, anim, aizat, fatin, husna, salmi, dawson, malini, tini, sitiput, yati, and iela.. all my classmate are such a ‘gile-gile’ person, very wacko each of them, nak-nak si wahi tu, hurm craze habis!! C’est magnifuque!!,hehehe…

Ok, firstly I would like to shared about my Best friend in the class.. Her name is Myra or in very short name that I always called her is MYR.. Actually she’s also my teammate. Every single thing in the class, no matter what it is, we always do it together, especially in group task. We stated to be teammate since us in Part 2 till nowadays. She’s a good friend in fact she’s a sister too. Myra is such a perfectionist girl, every single thing must be perfect, if not.. Dushh dushh..!!! bull’s eyes shoot in your head!! Hahaha!!.. but don’t worry, she’s such a pretty nice girl, seriously…. I Love You Myr..huhu..
Time part one dulu, I didn’t know her better and we’re not too close, but after ‘something happen’ in the class before, we started to know each other better…ye lah, bak kate orang, tak kenal maka tak cinta, ye tak?? Hihihi.. what? ‘Something happen’?what? Hurmm..actually im not gonna tell you guys,sorry!!..its just a small clichés happen between me and my ‘classmate’.. I think that’s a good thing for me, if not im not gonna know they better.. im mean, tak kenal lah hati budi dieorang cane,huhu.. but now, everything back to basic.. We love to each other what!! hehehe..

Wahi is second person in the class that know me better.. He’s our ‘Abang’ actually.. Abang ke?? Hihihi.. wahi is such a intelligent student, even he’s always not full attended in the class, always missing in action or with the simple sentences, he’s love to PONTENG class, but he’s still be our scorer!!.. Dean’s list every semester, c’est bizarre, rite?? Huhuhu.. he’s so funny, like Joker.. I swear to God, he’s so funny, seriously!! Trust me, im not played with the sentences k, believe me that he’s crazy…hehehehe..

Ok, for the rest.. im not gonna describe from each of you guys and it doesn’t mean, we were not good to each other, rite?? I will share about you guys, but not one by one la.. ponat lah kalo mcm tu sampai dekat 13 orang mak cik nak kene explain pasal korang..hehehe.. but im gonna storied about our vacation at Pangkor Island last month.. cewah, vacation no la tu, padahal family jet u.. it upon kene pakse gi, if tak, aku tak gi jugak..hehehe.. but honestly, its such a best family day that our Publishing club had organized after at P.D last year, if im not mistaken lah.. Mase tu time part 2, we’ll yg organized buat family day kat P.D.. Syior wow!! Hehehe..

ok, back to Pangkor Island, frankly to say, I had a great day at pangkor.. even it just 3 days, but it was meaningful..cewah…huhuhu.. yelah, mane tak nye, mase kat sane, dapat gi snorkeling, siap dpt pegang Sea cucumber lagi..pastu, dpt lepas kan tension yg berbakul-bakul dgn menyanyi karaoke, siap dpt menang n dpt voucher KFC makan free lagi,hehehe..hee, with short sentence, best tau!!.. rugi sape yg tak gi.. before that, I would to thanks to all of you guys, especially for them who’s went to the Pangkor trip,(aizat, fatin, husna, mimi, siput, tini and iela) Thank You so much!! You’ll guys was so great!! without you’ll, my day at pangkor will not be as much pretty as what has happen,huhu..

I hope after this, because this is our last semester for us to be a classmate, please keep touch k.. sedihnye… mesti lepas ni rindu kat korang sgt2.. huargh!!! :’(
Lastly, what can I tell you’ll guys is, I Love all of you, especially Myra,hihi.. Good luck in everything yaa.. take care!!

'our lives are filled with simple joys and blessings without end..

but 1 of the greatest joys in my life is to have a best friends..

hope our friendship will never ends...'


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

5:47 AM

Sunday, September 16, 2007

CLAN 58-208

I’m back again to post more story about my friends. In this post, I would like to shared a story about CLAN 58-208.. Huhu.. Guess what? 50-208 is actually my home address. Yaa, this is about my LOVELY H O U S E M A T E. It has 7 people under one roof. All of us were from the same faculty but with different majoring. They are Dani (again), Kila, Fiza, Eha, and Nana. We started to be a clan since 2006 (Part 3) until now. we live in happiness without tears and laughter without fighter. Yaa, at our home sweet home laaa..ape lagi.. :P

This is Dani (again). She’s our ‘Pengkarut Cerita’ at home. always have a new story in twenty four seven,haha!! Without her, our home will be like ‘Padang Jarak Padang terkukur’,hehehe.. she’s advertising student, love to sleep, mengarut, otai, craze and also cincailai..

Kila and HAIfiza, of course lah, 2 different name,hehehe…But I will start with KILA .a.k.a MAk Mak. She’s from Muar and she’s our MAK at home. Love to cook for us, very responsibility, kind, funny, and very very very best to be friend. Kila is my roommate. She likes to eat so much. In French words, Elle aiment mangent beaucoup!!hehehe.. the most important thing, Kila Love Abg Suah (henpon yg sgt canggih abg suah telah belikan, hehe)..She’s Puan Bani’s beloved student. Budak PR lah, ape lagi.. Haha!! Kila is so funny, sometimes she can make us ketawe sampai pecah perut, seriously..if you all not believe it, just try laa.. Sit and start to chit chatting with her, for sure you will laugh till death,hehehe.. she’s really pure Muarian, every single words that will come out from her mouth, will make you ask like this “wut the sweetest words that she’s taking about? Yaa, bahase muor lah ape lagi.. pegi paso pakai selipor, pastu nampak ulor atas pagor, terus menyorok dalam gebo!! Haha!!.. ayat muor is very sweet ok, because im MUARian too!!

This is HAIfiza(wit green baju kurung).. all of us called her Ayang because she’s so kindly. Ayang is also my roommate. She’s from Raub Pahang. Even tough she’s look very softly, but frankly to say, she’s bravely. Very akak akak in our house. she’s our protector, berani sgt..bawak kete pon laju tau.. Nampak je lembut, but always don’t judge a book from its cover ok!! She’s PR student, also Puan Bani’s beloved student, hehehe.. She’s quite secretive, not all from us now wut is exactly played in her beautiful mind, except Kila,yelah because Kila kan is our Mak.. Mak always play a good roles for their childrens,hehehe.. I always pergi makan with her and kila, because she’s love to eat too..but badan tetap kurus, jeles saya tau!! Makan byk pon takper, badan tetap maintain, ok!!

This is Eha ‘ Yinna Tabah’!!(at the left).. we called her tabah because she always tabah with the rintangan yg melanda.. Very tough person, she’s look very skinny.. she’s love to eat too!! I cant understand, why all my housemate loved to eat, but still maintain their weight!! C’est bizarre.. its mean “its very weird”, hehehe.. she’s from Cheras, KL.. Yaa, org bando..She’s look like Juhi Chawla isn’t it? Hehehe.. Dil tul pagal hai sgt,.. :P She’s broadcasting student and very intelligent. She always be our e-dictionary, mcm biasa lah, translation BI-BM.. Nampak jek mcm Juhi Chawla, but sebenarnye die ni Salma Hayek, ok!! Hahaha.. she has the same interest with me, love to listening to the Music. We always shared our MP3 songs together. If she has new songs, she will give it to me. But I doesn’t have a new songs, because I don’t know how to cetak rompak from the internet. Eha Pakeha mmg mcm Bill Gate, sume tahu..hahaha!!

This is Nana. Org Utara Perlis.. She’s the Man!! That’s her favorite movie lah,jgn pikiak lain k!!..hihihi.. she’s broadcasting student (eha’s classmate+soulmate :P) she’s very talkative, always talk without have a full stop !! Hehehe.. Sometimes I feel like to shout at her face like this “shut up nana!!”, but I cant because I love to heard her hot gossip,hehehe.. nana has a great voice, because she’s the one who can make a same voice like Spongebob, Nobita, and wut so ever voice.. very funny!!.. she love to eat, sleep, eat, sleep again and eat again till she’ll get bored. :P she’s is also our pengkarut cerita..

Hurm.. so sad.. because next year we will go with our own way.. yaa, masing-masing dah pergi practical..Sedih sgt!!(dani’s favorite words).. I loved them so much..yaa, I swear to GOD. I don’t know where I can find a best friends a.k.a housemates like them.. we can shared every single things together, because we are FAMILY.. Clan 58-208 will always be in my heart (really???) hihihi..


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

2:04 AM

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Danyshazi a.k.a Dani

This is my truly best friend. If at the first posted, I started too shared about my lovely clan from muar, but now I would like to share some story about my truly best friend. Her name is Danyshazi a.k.a Dani. She was born in Muar and grown up in Johor Bahru. Till now, I’m always asking with myself, why I didn’t knew her before, but the weird things happen is, she’s knew me since I’m in secondary school. We started to know each other, at our first meet at Faculty Mass Communication. She’s an Advertising student. Yaa, it’s our first session to get to know to each other. Hurm, I don’t know her before, but when we started to open our mouth and share our experience in every single thing, and then we were realized that we have lots of chemistry. I like to talk, she also like to talk, every body in mass comm love to talk actually.

I’m become so sad, when all my Muarian clans was far from me. But, bile I jumpe dani, die mcm my friends yg lain jugak. Bak kate org, kami ni sekepala,huhu. Nak tahu tak mcm mane I bleh kenal dgn dani ni? Mcm ni citenye, mase memula jejak kaki kat faculty, she’s the first person was greet me on that time. And I was shock, when she called my name correctly and knew where i’m coming from. So, lepas dari tu, kite org pun start lah bukak cerita masing-masing. Rupe2nye, dani ni pernah sekolah kat muar dulu, tapi bukan kat SABGS (my former school), but kat SMK Convent. I memang ade kenal beberape kawan kat convent, so that’s why she knew me before. And the most important things, we have a friends with the same person, such as Hajjar, Hanim, Didi, Cerek, Cap and Yanti. But the thing is why I didn’t know her, padahal I kenal semua kawan-kawan yg die berkawan. Very weird, rite? Lepas tu, yg paling best nye, kiteorg pernah berlawan pin bowl di tempat yg sama (kat segamat, ader PERTINA daerah Johor), dani still nampak and kenal I, tapi I tetap tak perasan n kenal sape die org yg bername dani on that time,hish sgt pelik. Lepas tu, mase PERTINA tu jugak, I masuk contest menyanyi (ya, I’ve a great voice too,hehe), and dani tgk I menyanyi. Sgt pelik kan? Even kiteorg tak pernah kenal pade mase tu, tapi skang ni kiteorg dah jadi member yg sgt ngam,hehe..

Sejak dr tu lah, kiteorg jadi rapat sampai la skang. She’s become my close+good+nice friend. We always share our problems together and solve it together. Antara perkare yg paling kiteorg suke adelah, bergambar, bergossip, berjalan and shopping. Even baru jek 2 tahun kenal, tapi dah rase mcm dah lame kenal. Mase part1 and part 2 dulu, kiterorg selalu sgt berangan nak duduk serumah, sebab senang nak share cerita, lepas tu bile dpt tau time part 3 kene duduk kat rumah sewa, terus kiteorg duduk serumah,hehe.. so, skang ni dah dok serumah, ari-ari dok mengadap gossip die, kadang-kadang sampai dah tak larat pun ader jugak,hehehe.. kiterorg tak pernah berahsia, smpai kadang-kadang bende yg tak sepatutnye kiteorg kongsi cerita pon, kiteorg dok ngumpat same,haha!!

Actually, Dani is a nice+intelligent person, tapi satu jek perangai yg sukar di kikis dr die, die ni lazeee skit,hehe.. tapi die nie cerdik, tanye jek ape-ape kat die, confirm die tau walaupun sometimes die hentam jek dgn ape yg die ckp tu,haha!! Kiteorg selalu sgt berangan nak gi holiday sesame, tapi sampai skang ni tak gi memane lagi pon. Cume mase time cuti semester aritu, I dtg JB and kiteorg jd org sasau kat Danga Bay, huhu!! Syior tu dpt pusing satu danga bay naik basikal kembar, naik sweating mcm org tgh berlari satu tembok china, bleh tahan semput jugak melayan si dani ni,hehe.. kiterorg dah plan, sebelum nak gi practical, kiteorg nak gi holiday kat mane-mane pulau, nak gi ramai-ramai baru havoc!!hehe. tapi tak tau lah jadi or tak plan ni, we will see.. J

Dani ni org nye bleh tahan rebel jugak, kadang-kadang I takut jugak tgk kalo die tgh ader problem dgn Acai (her bf), kalo bleh sume bende die nak baling lepas tu abis die menjerit sampai satu Blok 58 tu bleh dengar suare die,hehe..Sorry dani, tercerite skit pasal Acai kat blog ni,huhu..
But the most important thing about her is, she’s a great person. Die akan buat semua bende yg org suruh, even though die tak nak buat sebenarnye, pendek cerita, die ni agreeableness skit, same as me too J selalu jek die ni kene buli dgn budak class die, hehe..opps, sorry dani, tercerita lagi skit rahsia,haha!! This is not our secret, but its reality, because she’s too agreeable person. Next semester, kiterorg dah nak keluar gi practical, even tak pergi practical kat tempat yg same, tapi kiteorg cari kat tempat yg berdekatan, kat Bangsar. Hope, we still can be a housemate, again? :P

The point of view is, she’s my TRULY Best Friend
Till then…

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

2:10 AM

Friday, September 14, 2007

My Beloved MUARian Friends

Where are should I get start? ok, totally this blog is all about my best friends. I have lots of friends and I love to be somebody’s friend. Firstly, for the first posted blog, i would like to share a story about my lovely clan from muar. We are very very very good+nice+close to each other. We started to be friends since us in Kindergarten. Huh? Yes, its true. Even we are not in the same class when we were in that Tadika Islam(our kindergarten’s name), but we knew to each other. We started to be very close when our parents put us, also in the same primary school at SRK Sultan Abu Bakar, Muar Johor. Our joy, happiness and all the tears started when we came very close and love, sharing to each other. Kami ni satu group yang tak berape nak besar. There are; Bedot, Nanee, Wan, Wanie, Awan and Shella. Hurm, actually so many ‘bende kelakar’ that we always shared to each other. Ok, start dari tadika sampai lah sekarang ni, kami still jadi kawan yg sangat-sangat baik,agak-agak kan, bleh ke kami ni jadi BEST FRIENDS sampai tua?so, many questions mark.. hurm??..

Macam tak sangka sgt2 sebab kami bleh kawan sampai skang ni. Ramai yg jelous tgk persahabatan kami, yelah mane tak nye, dari tadika kami kawan, sampai skang ni kekal,sebab tak ramai yg macam tu, melainkan cerita kat dlm TV, memang ade orang yg kawan dari kecil sampai lah tua J. Mula2 kenal mase kat sekolah tadika, lepas tu masuk sekolah rendah kami dah start jadi geng yang sgt2 rapat, kami semua sekelas, hari-hari rehat sama2, main sama2 sampai lah masuk sekolah menengah, kami still satu sekolah, name sekolah tu SMK(P) Sultan Abu Bakar. Even we are not in the same class, but we always build our own class,huhu.. maksudnya, kami ni selalu gi ponteng class pastu buat lah class sendiri, punye lah nak selalu berkumpul, sampai sanggup ponteng class sebab nak selalu jumpe. We are so NAUGHTY!! Serius, actually ramai cikgu-cikgu kat sekolah tu tak berape nak berkenan dgn perangai nakal kami ni,hehe.. kami pernah dpt title Gengsterism Sekolah, macam mane tu? Alah, actually its not very big problem, kami just ugut pengawas jek, tu pon sebab pengawas tu marah kami mase tgh makan kat kantin, sebab buat bising skit jek, t upon nak di jadi kan issue. Kiterorg kene denda cuci kantin selama sebulan, lepas tu kene naik pejabat pendidikan daerah, terror tak? Oleh kerana, kami ni anak kesayangan kepade parents kami, so our parents came to our school and settle down all this kind of shit!! J lepas tu, lepas lah kiteorg dari mencuci kantin, selame sebulan, but still merase yer mencuci kantin walaupun seminggu, hahaha!!.. The day that we really like is, when our school make some event, because we can make a noise, chit chatting and laughed,haha!! Very weird, but its true. One thing, when our school ade perhimpunan, so mula lah kami buat perhimpunan kami sendiri. Sampai cikgu-cikgu dah faham sangat2 dgn perangai kami yg nakal ni.

Even kite org ni nakal, tapi kite org tak pernah nak lupe pade study. Kami sume sekarang ni dah berade kat Universiti. Dah dapat masuk U pon, ader cikgu tak percaye jugak, siap ade la cikgu kami tu bleh buat soalan mcm ni mase kiteorg dtg sekolah nak mintak cop pengesahan and sijil berhenti sekolah, “Korang sume dapat masuk Universiti? Macam tak percaye je..” See, ade ke ckp mcm tu? Tak per, tu sume tak effect ape2 pon kat kami, janji kami kawan sampai sekarang.

Firstly, start from Bedot. Actually, she’s the most ‘cutest’ girl among us,hehe..
Orangnye baik, suke buat lawak ‘fool’, sensitive, glamour (sebab die lah pengawas pertama yg kene pecat, tak pernah2 sekolah kami pecat pengawas sebelum ni J), ramai boypren dan paling penting skali- pengaruh sgt kuat di kalangan kami sebab die org yg ‘paling kecil’ sebenarnye kat dlm geng ni, hehe.. now, she’s still studying at UIAM, bachelor degree in Islamic Law. Bakal lawyer die ni, bleh ke jadi lawyer? Or become a loyar burok?huhu.. kat dlm ramai2 ni, I paling close dgn die, sbb die nice sgt. Rajin amik I kat umah, kalo nak gi round round kat Muar tu, hehe. Die sgt suke makan. Kasik jek ape-ape makanan kat die, mesti die suke, tak kire lah makanan tu sedap or tak, die mesti belasah sampai abis. Kalo dah dok kat dlm group mcm ni, bohong lah kalo tak pernah ader crisis, tapi kalo jadi Bedot senang je, kalo ader problem dgn die, kasik jek die makanan, tak kire lah ape-ape pon bleh, pastu dalam mase 10 minit, confirm die ok seperti sedia kala, haha!!..

Secondly, her name is Nanee. She’s look like an Elmo, isn’t it? Actually, she’s an Elmo’s lover. She’s kind, nice, lovely and also queen joker in our group J kalo nak tau, rumah nanee ni lah selalu jadi port lepak kami dari zaman sekolah sampai lah sekarang. Rasenye, Auntie Roy (mama nanee) pon dah naik muak dgn muke kami yg suke sgt lepak kat rumah die. Kalo kami balik bercuti, rumah die lah yg menjadi sasaran kami untuk berhimpun. Very meriah, setiap kali cuti mesti macam hari raye, hehe.. skang ni nanee dah kerja kat production company, die ni budak mass comm UiTM Shah Alam jugak, tapi sampai diploma jek. She will be further her degree after she’ll get the satisfaction in her job, tu kate nye. May be 2 3 tahun lagi die sambung lah degree kat mass comm ni. Nanee ni ader satu perangai yg kami semua sgt suke, kalo barang kepunyaan die, akan jadi jgk kepunyaan kami semua, tapi kalo barang kami, tetap barang kami lah J die org yg sgt pemurah, suke buat kebajikan kat kawan2, wakaf kan semua bende kat kawan, pendek cerita, die ni baik lah. Tapi yg kesian nye, nanee ni selalu sgt dilemma dgn masalah cinta. She’s a heartbroken, dah banyak kali putus cinta. Macam mane nak buat tu? Cube beri pendapat skit.. Until now, she’s doesn’t have any special man in her heart because she’s afraid to be fall in love again.
This is Wan ‘Devil’. She’s a King of the joker in our group. Kalo nanee dpt title jadi queen joker, wan plak king nye,hehe. Die ni memang kelakor orangnye, I swear to GOD, kalo duduk dgn die, confirm tak kering gusi gelak. Every single words that will be come out from her mouth, for sure can make every people laugh. Dari dulu sampai skang ni, die suke sgt buat lawak, idea die tak pernah kering dgn lawak-lawak ‘fool’ die tu agar kami semua bleh gelak sampai pecah usus dan pancreas, hehe. Die ni nampak jek mcm ganas, tapi dalaman nye lemah lembut skali, kalo tak caye, kasik test la skit :P satu bende kami susah sgt nak tgk kat wan ni adalah, die tak pernah berambut panjang. Kalo rambut dah sampai cecah telinga tu, die akan assume rambut die dah panjang mcm dayang senandung, haha!!. She’ nice, polite, funny and intelligent. Kat dlm kalangan kami ni, die lah org yg paling cerdik sekali. Now she’s still studying at UIAM, bachelor degree in Economic. But the most important thing about her is, she can be trusted, mcm mohor kerajaan negeri-negeri. Semua org suke share story dgn die, sbb die mcm doraemon, bleh solve kan byk problem org. kadang2 mcm Dr. Fadhilah Kamsah pun, iye jugak.. hehehe..

This short hair girl, the name that had been gifted from her parents is, Wanie. She’s a simple person, doesn’t talk too much, but always laughed. Die ade lah kawan kami yg sgt kurus walaupun die suke makan. Makan byk mcm mane pon, susah nak gemuk. Sampai die pon dah malas nak pikir mcm mane nak gemuk, dari dulu sampai skang, mcm tu la badan die,hehe.. Now, she’s still studying at UIAM, bachelor degree in Human Science. Wanie ni memang sgt2 simple org nye, sampai I pun tak tau nak ckp mcm mane, sbb die terlalu simple, in short terms, she’s a easy going person.

Ni Awan. Die ni lurus bendul sangat, kalo orang ckp ape-ape dgn die , die susah sgt nak capture, that’s her most difficult problem, hehe. She’s a former Head Prefect at our secondary school. See, even kami ni di cop sebagai gengsterism sekolah, tapi kami tetap mempunyai kawan yg sgt tinggi pangkatnye kat sekolah tu. Tapi mase kene denda tu, die tak join skali lah, tapi die lah org yg byk back up kami, keluar masuk bilik pengetua untuk selamat kan kami, that’s a friend need for, rite? We still remember, when our teachers need her to make a choice, either to choose us or her position as a prefect, and than she said, she choose us because she knew us before that position, friendship is the most important thing than others and friendship is everything, very touched L And just because of that frankly statement, our teachers picked her as our HEAD PREFECT.!! Yes, we win!! Huhu!! So, the point of view is, don’t lie in whatever you do, please don’t be a ‘plastic’, be like Awan,hehe.. Sometimes, other people can see what is exactly happen in your eyes and mind J

Lastly, this is Shella, she’s cute, rite? Hurm, kecik-kecik si cili padi, sungguh pun kecik, tapi kalo sesekali berbunyi, sungguh berapi, huhu.. she has a great voice, she’s a good singer however. Selalu gi menyanyi kt function, pastu mesti menang kalo masuk mane-mane contest. Kiteorg selalu suruh die masuk AF, tapi die tak nak, malu plak kate nye kalo jadi artis. Ade jugak org yg mcm tu ek?hehe.. skang ni die still study jgk, kat UiTM Segamat, Johor, bachelor degree in Accountancy. Die ni suke buat lawak jugak, senang cerita, kami ni memang suke sgt buat lawak and ketawe,hehe. Sbb semua org kelakar, so the point of view is, we are Joker Group J

Ok, so the wrap up is, I love all my friends. They all were great. No matter what will happen to us, we will stick together till the end of time.
But the question that always occurs in my mind is, CAN WE STICK TOGETHER TILL THE END? Hurm,….

I dedicated this lovely poems to all my Lovely Friends; Bedot, Nanee, Wan, Wanie, Awan and Shella

Many people will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your Heart.
ANGER is only one letter short or DANGER.
If someone betrays you once, it is their fault.
If they betray you twice, it is your fault.
Great mind discuss ideas, average mind discuss event but small mind discuss people.
They who loses money, loses much. They who loses friend, loses much more. But they, who lose faith, will lose all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature.
Learn from the mistakes of others,
You can’ live long enough to make them all yourself.
Friends, you and me. You brought another friend, and then they were 3.
We started our group, our circle of friends.
There is no beginning or ends
Remember, yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is gift.
Love you all


3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3

9:47 PM